Tyler Powell


Tyler Powell is a trusted advisor who is well-versed in federal and state policy development and implementation. His experience working for a Member of Congress, a Governor, and a government relations professional provides a unique perspective on accomplishing clients’ goals.

Tyler founded CSS Partners to help clients with policy and political needs in Oklahoma and before the federal government. The Firm has now grown into a multi-principal firm that represents clients ranging from Fortune 100 companies to start-ups, trade associations, governments, and non-profits. Tyler and the CSS team have been trusted for their insights and guidance in complex policy and political situations.

Before founding CSS Partners, Tyler served as Oklahoma’s Deputy Secretary of Environment. He was the Secretary of Energy and Environment’s principal advisor and worked on every significant energy and environmental policy between 2011 and 2017. Tyler represented the state before Congress, the White House, and numerous federal agencies. During his tenure, he worked on natural resource issues related to environmental permitting, endangered species, infrastructure development, water policy, electricity markets, and oil and gas policy.

Tyler began his career working for U.S. Congressman Tom Cole. He graduated from Oklahoma State University as an Oustanding Senior with a degree in agribusiness.

Committed to working with stakeholders and building coalitions, Tyler is focused on providing sound counsel and strategy to solve complex challenges.

(405) 802-4590